We are FRENS
―What is FRENS?
FRENS supports for LGBT and the other genders or sexualities youth who are under the age of 24 and the adults(their families or teachers etc.) in mainly Fukuoka prefecture.
We promote the activities which are organizing the meeting , serving educational program and getting consultation for them. Our purpose is supporting for getting better the situation around LGBT youth.
We are always by their side to support for them.
―How can we support for them?
LGBT people can share their stories and experience or chatting, called Nijidamari.
This meeting is anyone can participate regardless of age, sexuality, gender identity.
Second Sunday of every month 2:00 - 4:00pm.
We have another opportunity for person who under 24 years old. We play indoor games or chatting, and so on at this meeting.
Fourth Sunday of every month 1:00 - 4:00pm.
We have the street action (speech ,exhibit message supporting LGBT,etc) in Fukuoka in May every year.
Mainly at the educational site, we organize lectures about 180 times in 2016.Half of them are teacher's training.
We receive consultation from LGBT Youth and their families, teachers in school. We provide information to improve their situation.
We make place to talk, call FRENS-line for kids and youth of LGBT who are under 24 years old or their families.
Every Sunday 5:00 - 9:00pm.